Course Selection
Students are advised to select their courses based on their interests, abilities and skills in different subjects, and the requirements for the courses they are considering at the university level. The school publishes a list of prerequisites (course and grade required to pursue a course in Grade 11) to help students in selecting the courses they qualify for. Students achieving a GPA above 2.70 are encouraged to consider enrolling in the IB Diploma Programme.
Courses are arranged in six scheduling blocks, one set for students following the IB Diploma Programme and another for students selecting the American High School Diploma programme. Students select one course from each block. The blocks are modified when possible to meet the majority of students’ preferences.
The College Counselor and IB Coordinator hold several orientation meetings with the Grade 10 students in February to discuss all these considerations. Heads of Departments also visit Grade 10 classes to explain their departments’ subject offerings in Grade 11 and answer any questions the students have.